Big Sky's Chinook 1P, Chinook 1Plus, Chinook 2P, Mirage 1.5P, Soul 1P, Soul x2P, Revolution 1.5P, and Revolution 2P tents are in stock. Wisp 1P UL tents expected to start shipping in March. UK warehouse shipments are paused until 24 March. EU warehouse shipments will be made the end of March/first week of April. We are still occasionally experiencing technical delays processing orders... we are working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience.


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Ultra Light Weight uppblåsbara kuddarna som tillverkats...

Med en vikt på mindre än 50 g (2 oz) och en liten packstorlek får ett par av Big Skys DreamSleeper™ UltraLight uppblåsbara kuddar plats i din handflata, så Big Skys DreamSleeper™ kuddar kan tas med överallt.

Kudden är ergonomiskt utformad för att vagga huvudet för en god natts sömn.

Big Sky använder högkvalitativ Thermo PolyUrethane (TPU) för denna produkt som har ett högre förhållande mellan styrka och vikt än PVC som vissa billiga kuddar är tillverkade av.

Eftersom Big Skys DreamSleeper™ -kudde är tillverkad av TPU kan den användas på vintern, till skillnad från billigare kuddar tillverkade av PVC som spricker när det blir för kallt.

TPU genomgår en naturlig åldringsprocess, först transparent, sedan genomskinlig och slutligen ogenomskinlig.

TPU är också mer miljövänligt än PVC.

Storlek: De ouppblåsta måtten är 50cm (20in) x 30cm (12in)
Kudden kan blåsas upp till ca 10cm (4in) tjock

Inkluderar: ultralätt packpåse

Vikt:43,62 g +/- 2SD 1,33 g (1,54 oz +/- 0,05 oz) endast kudde

Garanti: Om din kudde av någon anledning börjar läcka inom ett (1) år efter köpet, skicka den läckande blåsan till Big Sky för en GRATIS ersättning.

GRATIS frakt på beställningar över $35 från Amazon

GRATIS frakt: beställ 2 eller fler kuddar från Big Sky
Obs: Endast USA, Kina, Hong Kong, Taiwan och Storbritannien; 1/2 pris frakt till andra områden, utom Japan och Sydkorea.
ange kupongkod: pillowFREEship

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DreamSleeper(TM) UltraLight uppblåsbar kudde

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Customer Reviews

Based on 46 reviews
Good pillow. Bad valve.

Very lightweight pillow. Very comfortable to sleep on. The valve design, however, is horrible. It takes a long time to inflate and deflate it.

Thank you for your review. We have found blowing hard does not do much to speed inflation... better to blow slow... blowing slow takes less than 30 seconds to fill a pillow... and then most people usually let some air out after inflation... about 80% full seems to be the most comfortable level of inflation for many people.

Ideal UL pillow

Very happy so far, used on four occasions and positively surprised with comfort

Kathleen Casadei

DreamSleeper™ DreamNation™ UltraLight (UL) inflatable pillow

Keanu Calix

Love the dimensions of this pillow. Pa is super small, I throw it in my sleeping pad bag. Works well for a side sleeper. The plastic is surprisingly soft and does not feel like a pool inflatable. Has more of a latex feeling. Hasn’t leaked yet but I’ve only taken it out 3 times. Weight saving along with the comfort are the big sellers for this pillow.

Barrett Hamilton
Great addition to sleep system

I added this as an inner to my GF Gear Down Pillow, and it’s now BY FAR the best pillow setup I’ve tried. The material on this has a lot of give, which normal inflatables don’t, and it makes it not feel like a balloon under your head. Absolutely love it and will be purchasing a second for my wife if I can ever get her out on trail.


Ask a Question
  • Hi, I’d like to know how flexible/stretchy the TPU material is? This seems to be the biggest issue for me in order to get a comfortable sleep. I mean it needs to have a certain amount of stretch not to get an aching ear when sleeping on the side. Thanks! /Thomas

    Sorry, we are not sure how to answer your question... we think the DreamSleeper pillow is a little more flexible than other brands... also, we suggest only filling pillow about 80% full... if the pillow is too tight (inflated too much), we do not think it is as comfortable.

  • I don't see the pillow case for the UL pillow. Where would I find that item?

    You can order the DreamSleeper Deluxe pillow case for the DreamSleeper UL pillow here:

  • Is the pillow noisy? I move around a ton when I sleep, switching sides and rearranging my position. My sleeping pad makes a sound with every twist or turn. I would like to know if there would be a similar issue with this pillow. Have a great day!

    Unfortunately, we do not think this is a yes or no answer... It depends on some different factors and also the user.

    For example:
    1) It depends on if the pillow is covered... while the UL pillow is "bare" we recommend covering when using it with a neck gaiter (BUFF), T-shirt, etc. The covering will absorb noise, making the pillow quieter. (We offer a Deluxe pillow cover.)
    2) It depends on how full the pillow is inflated... we recommend about 80% full... too full of air we think will be less comfortable and the pillow will be tighter and be more noisy... think of a balloon... if very full/tight it will make more noise when "thumped" that when less inflated.
    3) It depends on the user... some people are more sensitive to noise than others.

    Our pillows are made of quality TPU from Taiwan that is less noisy than less expensive and more noisy pillows made with PVC.

    We think the majority of our customer would consider our pillows "quiet" but there will be a few that may not agree.