Big Sky's Chinook 1P, Chinook 1Plus, Chinook 2P, Mirage 1.5P, Soul 1P, Soul x2P, Revolution 1.5P, and Revolution 2P tents are in stock. Wisp 1P UL tents expected to start shipping in February. UK warehouse shipments will resume 11 February. EU warehouse shipments will be delayed until further notice. We are still occasionally experiencing technical delays processing orders... we are working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience.


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En av de mest bekväma uppblåsbara kuddarna med ultralätt vikt

Big Sky DreamSleeper™ Deluxe uppblåsbar kudde

Big Skys uppblåsbara kudde DreamSleeper™ Deluxe har en storlek som får plats i handflatan och kan tas med överallt.

Efter att ha provat obekväma platta kuddar eller kuddar som blåser upp sig som en ballong och får huvudet att rulla av, valde Big Sky en ergonomisk design som omsluter huvudet för en god natts sömn.

Kuddfodralet är tillverkat av mjukt syntetiskt bomullstyg som transporterar bort fukt under varma nätter. Kuddfodralet är avtagbart för snabb och enkel rengöring. Varje kudde har en medföljande förvaringspåse som inte tappas bort som en separat påse.

Kuddöverdraget kan tas bort för att skapa en UltraLight-kudde som väger mindre än 2 oz. eller
kuddöverdraget kan tas bort för snabb och enkel tvätt. Tvättinstruktioner

Kudden är ergonomiskt utformad för att vagga en persons huvud för en god natts sömn.

Big Sky använder högkvalitativ Thermo PolyUrethane (TPU) för denna kudde luftblåsa som har en högre styrka till viktförhållande än PVC som vissa billiga kuddar är gjorda av.

Eftersom Big Skys DreamSleeper™ kuddblåsa är tillverkad av TPU kan den användas på vintern, till skillnad från billigare kuddar tillverkade av PVC som spricker när det blir för kallt.

TPU genomgår en naturlig åldringsprocess, först transparent, sedan genomskinlig och slutligen ogenomskinlig.

TPU är också mer miljövänligt än PVC.

Kuddfodral tillverkat av återvunnet material.

Storlek: De ouppblåsta måtten är 50cm (20in) x 30cm (12in)
Kudden kan blåsas upp till ca 10cm (4in) tjocklek

Garanti: Om din kudde av någon anledning utvecklar ett läckage inom ett (1) år efter köpet, skicka den läckande urinblåsan till Big Sky för en GRATIS ersättning.

GRATIS frakt på beställningar över $35 från Amazon

GRATIS frakt - beställ 2 kuddar eller mer
Obs: Endast USA, Kina, Hong Kong och Storbritannien; 1/2 pris frakt till andra områden, utom Japan.
ange kupongkod: pillowFREEship

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- 117 g (4,1 oz).



DreamSleeper(TM) Deluxe uppblåsbar kudde

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Comfy with mod for side sleeping/inflator nozzle slowww

I'm predominantly a side sleeper who's on a never-ending quest to find a comfortable pillow that doesn't smoosh my shoulder or weigh a ton. My current fave is the Thermarest compressible, but the weight is a big hit.

As a side sleeper, I found the Big Sky International Deluxe pillow isn't tall enough on its own and requires stuffing the pillow case. But once stuffed it's super comfortable. I'm also a very active sleeper and roll around often. The length and width of the pillow was great and I didn't feel like it was going to disappear out from under me every time I rolled over.

The feel of the plastic is different than what I expected. It's like...supple? I didn't notice crinkling or squeaking which is a huge win (I sleep with ear plugs but I think that might actually enhance any crinkling/squeaking/rubbing sounds). I have not used the pad strap yet, but I appreciate that it's detachable. I was wary of the attached stuff sack after my experience with the Fillo, but this one isn't bad. I do wish I could get the pillow folded in nice & neat like the way it came. A girl can dream!

Onto the annoying: the air moves very slowly when inflating and deflating which is especially frustrating when packing up. It's also one of those situations where you have to close the nozzle as you're actively blowing air into it or it begins to deflate. This could use a redesign.

All in all, I'm happy with this purchase and recommend it.

Jason Miles
Needs pad straps

Good pillow at a good value, serves its purpose well and gave me one of the best nights of sleep on a pillow I've had, probably going to mod with loops for a pad strap and I wish one of the zippers lied up with the valve.

Scott Cannon
The only inflatable pillow that really works

I've got a drawer full of maybe a dozen different inflatable pillows that I've tried over the past several years. This is the only one that I found that actually helps me get better sleep. All the others are gimmicky don't fit right with my head and neck and shoulders or are too much of a pain in the butt to inflate. The way this pillow is sculpted, it works great for me as a back sleeper and then occasionally as a side sleeper as I toss and turn throughout the night.

Mike Steinberg
Very comfortable

This pillow is ideal for me. Big enough and comfortable

Pillow is good but shipping is too late

I ordered April 2 but they send me about 10days after. And the fact is if I didn’t email them why it is not shipped it wouldn’t send me until now


Ask a Question
  • Will the valve work with an inflation device.

    It should work...

    Tip: We have found blowing hard does not do much to speed inflation... better to blow slow... blowing slow takes less than 30 seconds to fill a pillow... and then most people usually let some air out after inflation... about 80% full seems to be the most comfortable level of inflation for many people.