Denne stangen kan brukes til å sette opp Big Sky Wisp 1P-teltet for de som ikke bruker vandrestaver, f.eks. syklister eller padlere.
Størrelse: 9 mm diameter x 120 cm lang, sammenfoldet lengde 20 cm.
Materiale: 7001 aluminium
Vekt: 110 g (3,8 oz)
Leveres med stangpose.
Prisen gjelder for én (1) stav.
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Will these work on other brands' tent pole based tents? The ends look unique on these.
Some of Big Sky's tents, such as the Wisp 1P tent, require a 120cm pole, such as trekking pole. This pole can be used instead of a trekking pole. Note: Big Sky's tents are designed to have the trekking pole handle up into the tent, instead of the trekking pole tip that would tear the tent.