Big Sky's Chinook 1P, Chinook 1Plus, Chinook 2P, Mirage 1.5P, Soul 1P, Soul x2P, Revolution 1.5P, and Revolution 2P tents are in stock. Wisp 1P UL tents expected to start shipping in March. UK warehouse shipments are paused until 24 March. EU warehouse shipments will be made the end of March/first week of April. We are still occasionally experiencing technical delays processing orders... we are working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience.


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Denne stangen kan brukes til å sette opp Big Sky Wisp 1P-teltet for de som ikke bruker vandrestaver, f.eks. syklister eller padlere.

Størrelse: 9 mm diameter x 120 cm lang, sammenfoldet lengde 20 cm.

Materiale: 7001 aluminium

Vekt: 110 g (3,8 oz)

Leveres med stangpose.


Prisen gjelder for én (1) stav.


stang 120 cm (47 tommer) i aluminium, 20 cm (8 tommer) sammenleggbar lengde i tillegg

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