Big Sky's Award Winning Revolution 1P design
- 3本のポールにより、暴風雨に耐える設計
- 内部結露を防ぐダブルウォール構造
- ポールクリップ設計により、素早く簡単に設営・撤収が可能
- 内部バックルをアウターシェルに取り付け、1ピースで設営・撤収が可能
- 前庭の2つのトップベントにより、横方向の換気が可能
- 閉塞感のない広い内部。
- 出入りが容易な両サイドの大型サイドドア
- 通気性ファブリック内装により保温性を高め、スピンドリフトや砂の吹き込みを防ぐ
- 各ドアのメッシュネットウィンドウはジッパー付き通気性ファブリックフラップ
- 軽量、30Dナイロンにシリコン/PUコーティングとシームテープ加工を施したフロア
- 4つの内ポケット
- 最高品質のコンポーネント
- ワールドクラスの品質
- 箱から取り出してすぐに使用可能。
- 1 人用または 2 人用
- 4 シーズン - ダブルウォールテント
- 外骨格デザイン(外側に 3 本のポール)
- 高い強度重量比
- 梱包サイズ:15cm x 45cm
- 重量:1.575kg(55.6オンス/3ポンド7.6オンス)(2DoorSuprSilTMシェル、Breathable Fabric内装、4-Seasons DAC NSL 9mmアルミポール3本(rev. B)使用時)
4シーズン定格:4-Seasons ALポール2本+4-Seasons ALポール3本(付属)
3シーズン以上対応:2本のUL ALポール+3本目の4シーズンALポール(オプション)
Hi, Does it fit two regular sleeping pads?
Would we recommend it for two large people... no.
Could a husband and wife fit... probably...
The Chinook 1Plus tent is a one person tent that has an enlarged inner extending into one or both vestibules.
The head end is wider than the foot end so two mummy shaped mattresses may not overlap at the foot end, but two rectangular mattresses would overlap at the foot end.
Hi. Do you have full material specification details for fly and inner, i.e. waterproof rating, denier / weight per sqm, tear strength etc. Can you confirm the inner is a bathtub design - looks that way.
For Chinook 1Plus tent decription and specifications, please see:
For more fabric details, please see:
Can you confirm the inner is a bathtub design? yes
Hello, is it possible to purchase a mesh interior for this tent?
At this time, only a Breathable Fabric inner is available for Big Sky's Chinook 1Plus tent. A Chinook 1P tent's Mesh Netting inner will fit the Chinook 1Plus tent since they both share the same outer.
The setup diagram shows that the interior can be configured to have an optional vestibule on one or both sides? Its not clear in the photos how this works. Does it mean not clipping the inner to the fly and having it flapping around?
The setup diagram shows that the interior can be configured to have an optional vestibule on one or both sides?
> sorry for the confusion...
Its not clear in the photos how this works. Does it mean not clipping the inner to the fly and having it flapping around?
> yes, it means not clipping part of the inner to outer
> and no, the outer does not flap around, outer is connected to poles via pole clips and does not inner to be connected
> if you meant inner flapping around when it is not clipped... with vestibule doors closed there would be no wind for inner to flap around.
Hi does this tent come with any guylines.