Big Sky's Chinook 1P, Chinook 1Plus, Chinook 2P, Mirage 1.5P, Soul 1P, Soul x2P, Revolution 1.5P, and Revolution 2P tents are in stock. Wisp 1P UL tents expected to start shipping in March. UK warehouse shipments have resumed. EU warehouse shipments will be made in March. We are still occasionally experiencing technical delays processing orders... we are working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience.


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- 가벼운 배낭여행객에게 딱 맞습니다.
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- 상자 밖으로 나갈 준비가 되었습니다. 필요한 경우 공장에서 봉합된 솔기

무게: SuprSil-UL TM 외부, 메쉬 그물망 내부 및 초경량 알루미늄 폴(rev. H-1)의 경우 xxkg(xlb x.xoz)

- 크기: 190cm(6ft-3in) 이하의 경우 내부 길이가 220cm(87in)입니다.
(220cm(87인치) 내부 길이에서 사람 키에 대한 190cm(6피트-3인치 또는 75인치)를 뺀 값은 침낭 로프트의 머리와 발 끝에 추가로 15cm(6인치)를 허용합니다.)

빅스카이 미라지 1.5P 텐트

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  • Hello,rnrnConcerning the Mirage 1.5, could you please explain the difference between the bikepacking 30cm poles and the DAC NFL? Is it just a weight difference, or size as well? Thank you!

    Concerning the Mirage 1.5, could you please explain the difference between the bikepacking 30cm poles and the DAC NFL? 

    > bikepacking 30cm poles: shorter folding length, heavier weight

    > DAC NFL poles: lighter weight, longer folding length

    Is it just a weight difference, or size as well?

    > both are the same length

  • Dear Sir/Madam, Does the Big Sky Mirage 1.5P tent have apple red colour?

    At this time, we only make our 4-Season tents with Apple Red color. At one time, we offered Apple Red with our 3-Season tents, but we did not get enough orders.

  • Is it seam-sealed?

    The Mirage 1.5P tent is ready to go out of the box. We seam seal where necessary before sending them to our customers.

  • What length are the ultralight poles?

    Folding length for Ultra Light DAC poles is 36cm (14.2in)

  • What diameter aluminum poles come with the Mirage? Thanks

    Bikepacking poles: 7.5mm diameter
    Ultra Light poles: 7.9mm diameter (thinner wall)