Big Sky's Chinook 1P, Chinook 1Plus, Chinook 2P, Mirage 1.5P, Soul 1P, Soul x2P, Revolution 1.5P, and Revolution 2P tents are in stock. Wisp 1P UL tents expected to start shipping in March. UK warehouse shipments are paused until 24 March. EU warehouse shipments will be made the end of March/first week of April. We are still occasionally experiencing technical delays processing orders... we are working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience.


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- 2인
- 이중벽 텐트
- 자유로운 무대

수상 경력이 있는 디자인

- 가벼운 배낭여행객에게 딱 맞습니다.
- 내부 결로 방지를 위한 이중벽 구조
- 매우 빠르고 쉬운 설치 및 분해를 위한 폴 클립 디자인
- 환기를 위한 현관 상단 통풍구
- 높은 천장과 밀실공포증이 없는 넓은 내부
- 출입이 용이한 대형 현관문
- 내부 포켓
- 현관 0.71m 2 (7.68ft 2 ); 스테이크/페그 필요 없음
- 최고 품질의 부품
- 세계적 수준의 품질
- 상자 밖으로 나갈 준비가 되었습니다. 필요한 경우 공장에서 봉합된 솔기

개정판 B 개선 사항:
- 플라이/외부 바닥을 지면에 더 가깝게 낮춰 날씨 보호 강화
- 욕조 패브릭 위에 통기성 패브릭을 추가하여 지상 바람으로부터 추가 보호 기능 추가
- 탄성 웨빙을 제거한 디자인/소재 변경으로 텐트 수명 연장
- 텐트 발끝 부분의 불필요한 고무줄을 제거하여 무게 감소
- 그로밋에서 Big Sky 맞춤형 알루미늄 피팅으로 변경하여 무게 감소

- 크기: 185cm(6ft-1in) 이하의 경우 내부 길이 215cm(85in)
참고: 내부 길이 215cm(85인치)에서 사람 키에 대한 185cm(6피트-1인치 또는 73인치)를 뺀 값은 침낭 로프트의 머리와 발 끝에 15cm(6인치)를 추가로 허용합니다.

- BikePacking 버전 무게: 1.334kg(2lb 15.0oz), 내부는 나일론 PU 코팅 및 솔기 테이프 처리된 바닥, SuprSil로 비행 가능™ -UL 패브릭 업그레이드 및 경량 알루미늄 폴, 접힌 길이 30cm(12인치)(rev. A)

- 초경량 버전 무게: 1.156kg(2lb 8.8oz), 내부는 나일론 PU 코팅 및 솔기 테이프 바닥, SuprSil 사용™ -UL 패브릭 업그레이드 및 초경량 알루미늄 폴, 접힌 길이 43cm(17인치)(rev. A)

가격에는 텐트 플라이, 내부, 폴, 텐트 가방이 포함됩니다 .

매뉴얼을 다운로드하려면 클릭하세요.

Big Sky Soul x2 텐트 - Ultra Light Bargain 및 BikePacking 버전

Easy FREE returns on all orders


Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Alex Paiz
The Perfect Tent for a Thru-Hiker

The Soul x2P Dyneema tent was my wife and I's faithful companion for the entirety of the PCT, and long sections of the AT and Colorado Trail! We've slept in it for hundreds of nights with snow, rain, hail, and crazy winds and the tent never missed a beat. I can't count the number of times we got compliments and questions about the tent. A free-standing dyneema tent?! YES! The perfect tent does exist! We have zero hesitations taking it on bikepacking trips on the great divide and CT slated this year and very much look forward to many cozy nights ahead! 10/10 couldn't recommend more.


When climbing a mountain in Japan, I used this tent. I could see many stars from this tent with lying in a tent. It was brilliant moment…
And it was possible by shipping this tent quickly. It may took a week after I ordered

Max Minssen
Big sky Soul 2x

Stayed out the first copple of nights. Super Light to carry, resists very strong Winds. Super easy to bild up and Pack. Highly recommend

Kevin Mendoza
Big Sky Soul x2

I love this tent! Great quality and awesome design. This thing is so lightweight and actually feels like a regular 2P tent and not a ‘backpacking’ 2P tent. Probably the only tent on the market that meets the trifecta of freestanding, sub 3 lbs and a bomber with spacious headroom and an affordable price point as added extras.

Great experience through and through and my tent was here less than a week after I put in the order. Would definitely recommend this company and tent to anyone!

Wally Roth
Big Sky Soul x2 tent - Bikepacking

Rode the Tour Divide with this late in the season and the tent performed flawlessly to include the worst rainstorm I've ever sat through and multiple nights of extremely high winds. Tent is easy to set up and breakdown and it fit easily, with the rest of my sleeping kit, in my handlebar dry bag. Even though it's rated as a 2-person, it would be a very tight fit. In practice, I found it to be closer to a 1.5-person and was perfect, allowing my to drag all my gear into the tent with me and still have plenty of room for sleeping. Highly recomend.


Ask a Question
  • Hello, What are the dimensions of the bikepack version when it is packed up ? Thank you.

    About 15cm x 35cm (6in x 14in)

  • Hi, I'm looking for purchasing this tent, but i'm 185cm tall, and I was wondering if this tent would be long enought for me ? Thanks

    We rate the Soul tent series for people up to 185cm (215cm less 15cm for sleeping bag loft head end and foot end)

  • Will there be more color available? like green or khak

    Maybe in the future, but it will be 2022 or later.

  • Is it both version are using DAC oole?

    The Ultra Light weight poles are DAC NFL poles, but they do not make a NFL pole that folds that short we use a different factory to make the 30cm (12in) folding poles for us.

  • What is the peak height? What is the width?

    please see the tent drawing:

  • i eould like to ask whether the material of pole for soul x2p is same with Soul x1 tent ul ver? X1 is dac but x2 is normal aluminium pole.

    Unfortunately, DAC does not make UltraLight (NFL) poles that are fold to 30cm long so a different pole factory is used for shorter folding "bikepacking" poles.

  • Hi for 1 person i am 198 cm will it be ok? Thanks

    It is rated for people up to 185cm (215cm less 15cm allowance for sleeping bag loft head end and foot end)

    If you want to use Soul x2P tent for one person, you may be able to sleep diagonally and be OK.

  • What are the toggles for, on the outside of the tent fly?

    What are the toggles for, on the outside of the tent fly?
    > The toggles/cord lock are for tying back fly/outer to creat "Moon View"
    > Fly/outer can be rolled up and tied using these toggles/cord locks

  • Hello. I am Japanese from Tokyo. My English may not be good. Are you still making Soul 1p? If you are still making it, when will it be around next time?

    yes, we are still making the Soul 1P tent... we try to keep them in stock. we do have some in stock at this time.

  • Tell me the color of the fly sheet. Light grey or dark grey?

    We call our gray "Granite Gray"... light to medium gray.

  • ultra light version is this 4 seasons ? and I'd like to know water column & breathable.

    ultra light version is this 4 seasons?
    > The Soul tent series are 3-Seasons rated tents

    and I'd like to know water column & breathable.
    > The Soul tent uses SuprSil-UL™ fabric:

  • Has the lower part of the inner mesh been changed to a nylon material starting with the 2022 model?

    We have added Breathable Fabric between tub and Mesh Netting to current version Soul x2P tent.

  • Hello, Is this Soul x2 the version where the lower part of the inner mesh is changed to nylon material?

    We added Breathable Fabric between tub and Mesh Netting on current version Soul x2P tent.

  • What is the hydrostatic head for the fabric in the floor and the outer tent?

    Here is some fabric information:

  • Hello. I'm sorry for my poor English because I'm a Japan person. My name is Toyofumi Kishino. I have a question about Soul2X. I love Soul2X and currently sell it on Japan I only want the Soul2X inner tent, but please buy it and send it to the Japan. Is it possible? The lower part of the mesh part is white nylon, which is a type that does not allow wind to enter. Please reply.

    You can trade in your Soul x2P tent for a new one. Please send email to

  • I have a question about the inner lining. Is the color of the fly gray and has the lower part of the inner mesh changed to a nylon material?

    Is the color of the fly gray and
    > yes, Granite Gray color

    has the lower part of the inner mesh changed to a nylon material?
    >current version of Soul tent series has Breathable Fabric between floor/tub and mesh netting to keep cold air/dirt from blowing into tent.